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Author: admin

17 Tips for Domain Name Registration

You have bought a domain name for sale. Well, Congratulations! You have created a path towards establishing your online presence by checking its availability. It is actually the start of an exciting business venture or it might be an early step of getting an online website. If you buy it through domain name lookup, that means you have registered your desired name and from that time, no one can use that domain name system. But, if you have it and you are puzzled about what to do next with it, then this post can play the role of best...

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How Goods and Service Tax (GST) has influenced Indian Economy

Impact of GST on common man Whenever you are switching to your favorite news channel, you watch them talking about Goods and Service Tax India pdf (GST). Not only that, if you are seeking for the latest news, whether from a newspaper or some websites, you will discover Goods and Service Tax in their headlines. Well, when GST Constitutional Bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha in August 2016, everyone in our country were preparing themselves for the new tax regime on goods and services. It is the biggest tax reform initiative taken by the Government of India with a hope to improve...

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15 Tips for a Successful Business Networking

You cannot run your business only with money. You need to create lots of business connections and relationships. Effective business networking helps in linking together of all individuals, with trust and commitment. Here, you will get to know the tips for successful business networking international. Go through the following post, and help yourself. 1. Be authentic Always keep in mind that networking is all about being genuine and authentic. It is about building trust and relationship with the customers in the business events. 2. Set your goal Before participating in any meeting set a goal that what are you...

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12 Tips for a Successful B2B Content Marketing for Entrepreneurs

So, you’ve just stepped into the world of entrepreneurship and you are enjoying it. Well, it’s a very good decision that you want to create your own industry but you have chosen a very challenging path where you are going to face billions of competitors. But, your main focus will be to find best ways to achieve your goal quickly. Here, b2b content marketing strategy enters into the whole scenario. It is a way of small business marketing to promote your business by creating and distributing content. Now, you must be thinking about how to find the perfect way...

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How much does an E-commerce website cost in 2017?

People are now in love with the letter ‘e’. It may sound weird, but yes, it’s true. We love e-mail, e-money, e-wallet, and even e-commerce website builder too. It has now become a fascination to involve the letter ‘e’ in our daily life. E-commerce website comes in different forms. So it is quite difficult to find the actual cost for e-commerce websites. Irrespective of you are starting a new e-commerce website or going to proceed with the existing one, the cost of your website will depend on the kind of your business type and need, on the platform on which...

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